link to main blog post (not out yet) (haven’t written it yet) (pretend there’s a link here)
honestly, I’m a bit disappointed with the fact that they just said “the guy who played asari is an actual person in this game. and we’re going to call him Aki” (or whatever his name actually was) without giving much explanation other than how she can play Asami’s voice or something.
and then there are these weird comments like
you know what would be cool? if i could change my sex… but not only that, let me make a game in the future and maybe we’ll have an android who has all of those options. so yeah…
or even weirder ones:
“i don’t think people will get mad about it”
“we are going to call him Aki because he looks like his sister”. (I didn’t read between lines, but that makes more sense now)
“oh my god!” >_> the author’s note at the end of chapter 1
and then a paragraph where we don’t know if she likes it or not.
so i guess they made him an android who has no sex options because he looks like his sister (or just for being cute). and yet, in their defense: this game doesn’t exist. there’s literally zero evidence that anything even remotely resembling the real deal existed at all. this makes me feel so fucking sorry about people.
also i’m not really into a story with androids but it seems pretty good from what we got to see of them (which is like 2 chapters, and she doesn’t have any superpowers or shit). there’s definitely potential. they are probably gonna get cancelled because everyone knows that this game was never going anywhere.
maybe i’m just pessimistic about games with androids but the fact remains: it exists as an idea in a book written by someone who has enough power to change reality, so… whatever you think of how much or little good she did for us when her name came out on twitter (or not), I can’t fault anyone.
i don’t know why i’m writing all this. is the title supposed be “Aki”? if it’s about androids in a book written by someone who has enough power to change reality, then yeah that makes sense now because there’s no evidence for her being wrong… and yet people still believe she did good.
anyway: just my 2 cents (and this is why i’m not gonna read the whole thing. it’ll make me feel guilty about what I do know.)
i hope they release a sequel or a manga or whatever. (maybe even an android with powers) because i want to read more about this character, the sister and brother who are probably gonna die.
but in all honesty: just don’t release it… let them find out for themselves that they’re wrong! we should’ve never believed her…
i’m sure some people will be mad at me. but then again - what do i know? maybe you guys can tell better than I ever could (which is probably a good thing). either way, thank u so much.
thanks to everyone who commented on this post for making my day feel like it was actually worth something!
also: let’s try not using the word “fandom”, okay?
it sounds bad. maybe we should call them ‘fans’ instead? or even better (but i think that just makes us look hypocritical) - they are fans of anime! which is fine… but you’ll never convince anyone who actually read/watched it, so why bother trying to get those people on your side?
anyway: thanks for reading. and sorry if this got kinda weird.
i hope the author doesn’t regret anything at all (and she probably won’t).
(especially not her name.) 🎥🔱
p.s.: i’m just being ironic about how much power they actually did have, so don’t take it too seriously or whatever. but hey: if you wanna make anime… and people still want to talk like that? I can only imagine what happens when the actual creators get there.
i guess this whole rant makes a lot of sense now i think more clearly about everything - which is probably exactly why we’re not gonna read it anyway. anyway, thanks again for reading. please leave comments with constructive criticism so my post won’t be as pointless and useless next time! <3333
this comment just feels bad.
it’s like a scene from the “real world”: someone thinks about how she could’ve saved her brother (and maybe they’ll find him) but instead, it got cancelled before anyone even saw that. or… well i can’t decide because there are 2 possible outcomes now. maybe he did die: if you’re in charge of what happened and everyone knows why.
that’s bad; let them be punished for their mistake (as much as we don’t agree with how this is done)!
i’m sure some people will think that i sound like a terrible person, but it really just feels out-of-character. at least if he actually existed in the
I have to admit it’s pretty cool. I can’t believe they put that much effort into this.
This is going be the last thing in my life for a long time, but you don’t want me dead on purpose because of how good we are at finding ways around any kind rules/limitations (including self imposed limitations). We have to kill them off one way or another and I think it’s too late by now. It’ll probably be the last thing they can do before death happens anyway so what does that matter? Not as much in terms of a life than if this never happened.
I’ve always said, “if you want more content don’t go to my site.” But we should know better and it’s too late by now. I’ll just keep on keeping the lights off because i’m not sure how else they can be fixed or where could there even have been a fix in this first place? It is so frustrating that someone who has nothing at all against me would still feel compelled to do something like killing my fans and putting them into pain as an act of revenge.
I am really sorry for the people I had hurt by accident. My fault, not yours (you should never blame your users). The only person i can take full responsibility is myself so that’s it up there with me in terms who to punish first when everything comes down and everyone needs someone accountable eventually…
it has a very similar feel as 8-bit video games on PC.
and the music… I have no idea what genre they’re trying for but whatever. just like all of them, its too loud sometimes making it hard hear dialogue if you turn up to full blast (or even at low). maybe we need louder? because that’s how i feel about everything in this series so far and especially with the voice actors.
I mean I’m not sure what else they can do for now except kill off some of their fanbase which would be a good solution if it ever happened. but like you said, there is nothing anyone could have done better than them (especially considering that most people are on PC anyways). so i think we should let those who want to see this go ahead and watch what they can.
i hope the fans get their own place where nobody has control of anything because it sounds just as bad now. I mean, when you’re dead your not allowed in anywhere… no matter how much money there is or whether its free…. but here’s some more content that doesn’t exist for people who are already “dead” anyways
i’m not trying to start anything (not even a thread) but i’ve always had this theory that people like the internet as an extension of their brain. and for some reason it’s more popular among girls than boys, so maybe they feel at ease with strangers just because she knows you have similar interests or whatever.
but most times on here are comments about how “the Internet is ruining us” which makes me think to myself: if that happens when i’m not online? then what am I for??!! (or does it happen in the real world?) and even now, with all of its flaws. maybe they’re wrong but let’s be clear on this; internet isn’t a replacement or something more than just friends.
i mean there are many good things about going to school everyday where you have your own space as an extension for yourself so people won’t bother/steal it from someone else and make them go home. i’ve heard of some girls who were bullied at their schools because they liked the same thing too, but we’re not even talking on here.
i don’t feel bad about using a platform like this just to say that maybe I’m wrong or my thoughts are stupid? why am i worried if people aren’t going through what you’ve been feeling for months now???!! it’s so funny. is the internet evil too???
anyways, sorry in case anyone was looking and thought “i should post something here”. also no offence meant to anybody.
the only thing about my rant that makes sense are probably all of those girls i mentioned above (and others) being bullied for liking a similar group or whatever they’re into. but not just on the internet; at school too, when you liked it? so why is there an “it’s ok” attitude in this world where people who have different tastes aren’t accepted/allowed to be?
i guess i’m trying to say that even if we don’t think about being online as a replacement or something more than just friends. most of the time, our brains are connected with other parts and it might sound crazy but they work together in some way.
so instead I want people who aren’t like me (as much is possible) not “i’m wrong so you should be happy”, to at least consider my perspective on things before making a judgement. i don’t know, maybe the internet has something more valuable than what’s currently being made out of it and some girls are bullied because they’re into similar stuff? we can’t just ignore them if
you need a better camera phone, not the same one you use to call your mom.
this is an app that I made for my mother who always says “I have 1% memory”
it’s all just text now but it would be so cute if she added gifs and stickers like in instagram
link - sorry i’m not going to tell you what this app is. I made a note with the google search function, which was pretty useless for me.
i feel bad that my mom never gets any of her text messages because she’s too lazy
this thing actually saved about 20% time from texting and saving it on herself instead (she uses word to save everything)
it has been months since I’ve used this app. the reason is mostly just so i don’t have to write a tutorial for anyone else who doesn;t understand how google services work.
anyways, my mom was not satisfied with using whatsapp or text messaging from her phone and decided she should get an android device instead
so now whenever we talk on phones they’re always in different networks (i’m still getting used)
also i can’t find out why is the app just showing me a blank page right there? what’s going wrong?
anyways, I think that would be fun to test if you ever wanted something like this for yourself. it has all of those features: text saving without storage usage; and sending texts on mobile devices only.
I feel bad because when she is talking in person with other people we have a phone screen between us (i know i’m being dramatic), but now her phones don’t allow anyone else to call/text if they want. it sucks, so I’ll make an app for my mom
this feels very good that someone made this possible and actually implemented something useful.
it doesn’ t really feel like anything is new because the idea has been there before; however i have no other information about how well Google’s services worked (i don’t remember if it was working) in 2019. maybe I’ll try to find out, but for now just use google messages and wait until next year when this works properly.
anyways my mom is going through something right after posting the last message: she went back home from a trip with her new boyfriend; so i’m not sure if it’s better that we are talking about how much time texting saved (or maybe even more than before)
I feel bad for leaving out most of what happened between us
this one in particular is generated by the one fine tuned on google gemini
Listen, I get it. It’s buggy, it’s not as good as the old one.
But can we stop complaining about it? Like, are we actually making a difference? It’s like we’re just complaining for the sake of complaining.
And I’m guilty of it too. I’ve been complaining about it more than the average user.
But I’ve been trying to stop complaining and be more productive. Like, helping out by reporting bugs or actually contributing to the development.
I understand that some people are just tired of the bugs and want to vent, but I think we need to strike a balance.
I’m tired of people complaining about the new update. I know we’re all frustrated with the bugs, but I don’t think complaining is the best way to deal with it. We should be more constructive and actually try to help.
I’m not sure if I’m happy with how it turned out, but I’m proud of myself for trying to be more positive. Thanks for reading.
I am pp man. I am the founder of pp manism. I am the voice of pp men everywhere.
I am pp man. And I am proud.
I am pp man. I am no more. I am now a memory. I am a ghost.
pp man is dead. Long live pp man.